Slenderpatrixxx : The Eight Pages


Charlie ran across the woods, scared of the being that was chasing him, it all started when he found a page magically stuck on a tree, oh boy he shouldn't of collected that page, after that, he started hearing a mix of static and the spongebob theme song, it was really scary so Charlie needed to find a way out of the forest and fast. He felt something slimy hit his back when he first found out he was being followed, he had no idea who it was and it definantly wasn't slenderman because slenderman is from a stupid game, right? Anyways as Charlie ran, he finally caught a glimpse of what was following him, it was tall and pink and had tentacles sticking out of its back, was it slender, was it Patrixxx? No.. it was SLENDERPATRIXXX, Charlie gave out a huge scream as he saw the monster, he tried to run back but Slenderpatrixxx was right infront of him. Slenderpatrixxx gave his usual disturbing smile and said "You are in mah world now boi!" Charlie wet his pants, he needed to escape this sicko quickly, but he was too slow, Slenderpatrixxx grabbed Charlies legs as he attempted to escape and pulled down his pants, Charlie couldn't imagine the horrors. Charlie's exposed ass was a target for slenderpatrixxx and with ease he sent a tentacle into Charlies tight asshole. Charlie wailed, he couldn't take this, he was only 15 and he was losing his virginity to a pink slenderpatrixxx. "Get off me you sick bastard!" Charlie screamed and wailed, but Slenderpatrixxx continued with his disgusting smile. Suddenly slenderpatrixxx stopped, Charlie was glad and said in relief "Oh thank god it's over..." Slenderpatrixxx nodded and said "It's never Ogre." Suddenly with one last thrust, a tentacle was shoved right into Charlies buttcrack, ramming down his ass with mighty force, Charlie luckily didn't have time to react and died instantly as a tentacle reached his brain. It was all over, Slenderpatrixxx dragged Charlie's body away, only to tentacle rape it even more, but as God of Onions, Shrek has said.. "It's never ogre..."